A Study on the Harmonious Development between Industrial Structure and Employment Structure in Qingdao 青岛市产业结构与就业结构互动协调发展研究
The internal cause for students'difficulties in their job-hunting is the irrational employment structure and students'inadequate qualifications for jobs. 就业结构不合理和大学生素质难以适应就业市场的要求,是当代大学生就业难的内在动因;
To optimize the Chongqing's employment mechanism requires adjusting employment structure, enhancing system reform, and improve the capacity of labor forces. 对该地区就业机制优化,需通过推进就业结构调整、加快体制改革、提高劳动者素质等政策措施来解决。
Since Chinese economy entered into buyer market on the whole in1997, the transformation of employment structure has stagnated apparently. 我国1997年基本进入买方市场后,就业结构转换明显处于停滞。
Third, changes have taken place in employment structure. 第三,就业结构的变化。
Employment Structure Effect of Foreign Direct Investment: Based on Host-country 国际直接投资的就业结构效应研究&基于东道国视角
However, with the implementation of NFPP, Chinese forestry industrial structure and employment structure has greatly changed. 然而,天保工程等的实施,使得我国林业产业结构和劳动就业结构均发生了很大变化。
Third, changes have taken place in employment structure. Army structure will change. 第三,就业结构的变化。陆军的结构将发生变化。
On the Coordination of Industrial Structure and Employment Structure of Southwest China in the Process of CAFTA 论CAFTA进程中粤桂琼滇产业结构与就业结构协调
Resources and Employment: Analysis of Employment Structure in Shanxi Province 资源与就业:山西省就业结构的分析
Study on the deviation and its reasons between employment structure and industrial structure in Liaoning Province 辽宁省就业结构与产业结构的偏差及原因探析
On the Relation between Sport Industry Structure and Sport Major Graduates 'Employment Structure 论体育本体产业结构与体育学专业毕业生就业结构的关系
The Research on Employment Effect of Industry Structure Transition in China during the Transformation The Research on the Relationship between the Industrial Structure and the Employment Structure in China's Transition Period 转型期我国三次产业结构变化与就业结构变化的关联效应研究
In the coming period, encouraging farmers to do business or seek jobs in cities and readjusting rural employment structure while guiding farmers to develop non-agricultural businesses in their hometowns will be important tasks in the rural work. 今后一个时期,引导农民在当地发展非农产业的同时,鼓励他们进城务工经商,调整农村就业结构,是农村工作中的一项重要任务。
The condition of women employment has remained stable, and the employment structure is being rationalized. 妇女就业状况稳定,就业结构趋于合理。
The Empirical Analysis of the Industrial Structure Influenced the Employment Structure Based on the Restraint of the Ecological Environment in Xinjiang 基于生态环境约束下新疆产业结构对就业结构影响的实证分析
Along with the readjustment of industrial structures, the employment structure has been optimized gradually. 在产业结构调整的同时,就业结构也逐步优化。
To the process of urbanization, the influence set by adjustment of Employment structure was stronger than that aroused by the change of output value. 就业结构的调整对城市化进程的作用强于产值结构变化对城市化进程的作用;
The Analysis of the Industrial and Employment Structure Changes in Beijing 北京市产业结构与就业结构变动分析
Finally the paper made some recommendations on improving China's employment structure. 并据此提出了一些通过信息化改善中国就业结构的政策建议。
The employment structure, too, has changed dramatically. 就业结构发生很大变化。
The change of rural employment structure could be summarized to the results of industrialization, urbanization, regional economic development and conversion of its economic structure. 农村就业结构转换,是工业化、区域经济发展及其结构变动综合作用的结果。
The Research of Industry Structure Adjustment Effect Employment Structure in Shan Dong Province 山东省产业结构调整对就业结构的影响研究
Using the industry panel data, the authors test the relationship between trade development and employment structure and wage gap in our country. 笔者利用我国行业面板数据,检验了贸易发展与我国就业结构与工资之间的关系。
Further, how these adjustments have affected Taiwan's urban employment structure and its relation to the pace of urbanization. 这些调整措施如何影响台湾的都市就业结构进而加速或减缓都市的发展。
Economic transformation necessitates fundamental changes in production and employment structure. 经济转型需要生产和就业结构的根本改变。
Rationally readjusting the employment structure. 合理调整就业结构。
Informatization and China's Employment Structure: an Analysis Based on Input-output Method 信息化与中国就业结构:基于投入产出法的分析
Second, this thesis analyzes the theoretical basis and coordination of industrial structure and employment structure. 其次,本文总结了产业结构和就业结构的理论基础,并分析了二者的协调关系。